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3 common questions about company registration

Neil on 23 July 2018
3 common questions about company registration

Is this your first time registering a company? We’ve put together some of the most commonly asked questions.

1. What is required to register a company in South Africa?

  • A government issued ID or foreign passport*
  • Email address and local mobile number
  • A company name and some variation in-case it isn’t available.
  • Address for the company

*Foreign persons may own and be directors of South African companies. No additional permits are required.

2. How long does it take?

3 - 5 days

3. What is included in the registration?

  • Reserved company name
  • Company registration number (similar to a personal ID number)
  • Tax Registration Number
  • Registration / disclosure certificate - COR14.3
  • Notice of incorporation - COR14.1
  • Notice of incorporation - Initial directors - COR14.1A
  • Memorandum of incorporation - COR15.1A

Some optional extras can be requested:

  • B-BBEE affidavit
  • Tax clearance certificate (requested from SARS)
  • Business bank account

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