- What is a company profile and why does a company need one?
What is a company profile and why does a company need one?

What is a company profile?
A company profile is a company’s resume/CV that lists important information such as their future plans, past projects, services offered, financials and experience.
Why do I need one?
A company profile answers any questions customers, contractors and business partners might have in an efficient way.
Company profiles are normally required for tenders and contracts, as contractors would have to compare company profiles in order to award tenders/contracts to a company that best matches their requirements.
What else can I use a company profile for?
Transparency - they are also used as marketing tools. Company profiles are sometimes listed on websites so their customers can get a better idea of what companies offer.
Potential shareholders and investors prefer going through company profiles first before investing their time and money into a company.
How can I make my own company profile?
You can create a free company profile via Govchain.